Friday, July 3, 2009

Saturation point

First week of school after two week break: Getting very drained out :(

Yesterday i had barely enough sleep cause there were assignments due today that i haven't done. So i ended up staying up very late, and waking up early to continue and finish it up.

But at least its done. Thats the good part :)

And now, i'm in school. Just got up from a short 15 minutes nap. I'm going to have a test later. A test which i haven't really studied for. Hopefully it'll work out somehow :/

I'm just really tired now.

All i feel like doing, is to binge on comfort food. CHOCOLATES! & ICE-CREAM!

But from this i know what i should be relying on. I know.

Sometimes, if you don't feel like doing something, its a sign that all the more you should be doing it. (Just a random thought)

And tonight'll be really good too. I just hope i'm prepared and open enough though.

I need You. I can't rely on anyone else (in this world)

But come to think about it, its kinda too early to get drained, its only the 2nd month.

Go NAT! :)

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