Waking up early, and sleeping really late. All for that, for the entire 5 days.
That resulted in today, i'm falling sick. Sick as in feeling weak + sore throat + slight flu + feverish
So i kinda spent my day by lying in bed.
Now i'm glad that this week's coming to an end, and i survived it. Well, kinda, minus the sick part.
This week was tough. Had ups and downs. No point mentioning the downs cause its over (and i've already forgotten what happened). But yes, its always worth mentioning the ups.
Wednesday saw the whole family going out for dinner together. Yay like finally, everyone's all seated down at one table and eating together. Since school started, i haven't really had a chance to do that. Anyway, we were able to do that cause of a special occasion -- its my parents' 20th wedding anniversary. So.. Yeah.

Don't know what's the future going to be like, but one thing's for sure: it wouldn't just be a bed of roses. Now i know, it will never be easy. But its a different thing if you know whom to depend on.
I'm afraid, afraid of taking another step. Afraid of going out into the open. Because if i did, what if it doesn't work out the way i imagined it should be like? I'm afraid of another ______.
But its kinda too late now, i realised. I'm already halfway out into the open. Might as well go all the way out? If i don't try i'll never know.
I'll do whatever it takes to hang on.
Unless you decide to pull the plug, once and for all? Then....
Crap i don't know what i'm talking about. Must be the sicknesss sinking in and getting to me.
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