Flufluflufluflufluuuuuuu GO AWAY!!!!!!
Anyway, my schedule's super packed this week.
This morning i had an inauguration thingy for cca. Was more of getting to know the people i guess? It wasn't too bad.
After that i went to meet my *ahem*shy*ahem*friend*ahem* HAHHHAHAHAHHHA the stuff i did to disturb/irritate; it was funny!!!
Tomorrow, gonna meet up to discuss stuff for presentation in the morning.
Then from wednesday until friday: I'll be away for camp.
Haven't really been to camp for a very long time. I just know i'm going to miss my bed, my fluffly towels, my cute dog, the very shy wd etcetc. HAHHAHAHA.
And before that, i really really hope my flu+cough+whatever sicknesses will go away by wednesday. Or else i'm just gonna be suffering a whole lot at camp, which isn't any fun, at all :(
So..... SHOO FLU SHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
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