I think things are running by too quickly. Too quick for me to analyze/evaluate them.
I hardly have the time to actually sit down and think. I like thinking about stuff. And when i think i look as if i'm stoning. So now you know, when i'm stoning = i'm thinking hard about something.
But there's a downside to it though. And you what they always say, its not good to think too much.
After this line, you won't understand what i'm talking about already. Its going to be in circles.
Okay anyway, as of this moment, i'm thinking about yesterday.
For the whole time, i'm trying to figure out whether i'm in a spring/winter period. Which is it? I don't know. It feels like both. One moment i'm like, winter period was last year. I remember how horrible last year was. Don't want to go into details but i just know, i was pleading very hard with my parents to let me go off to poly.
And the spring came, which is, actually getting into this course itself. And me enjoying.
Now comes the wintery part, again. Sometimes i feel lost, no i don't think its lost. But i don't know. Ah, i know. I'm still hiding. Scared to come out i guess.
So yesterday, with the Faltering love, i understood. Because i think its EXACTLY the same thing i'm going through right now.
Another thing i'm thinking about are relational issues.
In my heart, i'm telling Him, i won't say yes without Your 'Yes'. Give me a sign. Send someone to talk to me please!!
Still, i'm happy that i've someone i can talk to, someone i know that cares, still, i'm not sure. So yeah, i'll just wait and see. I've this tiny feeling that it might just work out. Gahh, actually, i don't know! :/
And now, i'm very relieved its saturday. Yesterday i knocked out pretty quick. This morning i got up quite early, went to accompany edi to the interview thingy at HPB. I ended up going for it too =.= But anyway i went for fun, and its all in the name of experience! HAHAHHAH.
After that i went straight home. And that's where i am now. I feel like watching movies again!! I haven't watched Night at the Museum 2 yet :(
Speaking of movies, i caught Terminator Salvation last week.

I thought it was kinda hmm, lacking of a proper storyline maybe? Most of the time i was feeling all lost, don't really know what's happening with all that cg/special effects of fire, smoke, bombs, guns, whatever. But i have to admit that some of the effects in there were pretty cool though. Hah.
And during the movie, i was thinking, hmm, terminator, terminator... Where's Arnold Schwarzenegger?! And he did appear towards the end, naked (you'll know what i'm talking about if you've watched) I was like, =.= wth, okaaaaaayyyyyy....
So i think the movie's kinda disappointing :(
I don't know what to do now, with the weather so hot!! Actually i wanted to go swimming, but i don't think its a good idea now.
I only know, watching that movie is a very good idea :D
Well other than that, i can go find some korean/jap dramas to watch. Its not a bad idea too!
Okay then, i'll be off now, bye ya'll (:
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