Okay so yesterday we all went to church in the morning, then had lunch at City Hall. Some jap restaurant but i don't recall the name. The food wasn't bad. I had some salmon sashimi bento. Mmm yum yum! I miss eating sushi.
& pops was laughing yesterday! :O Cos of his army movie (that he was watching the day before) joke thing. Inside jokeeeeeee. Hehhehe.
Anywayyyyy, we all spent time with mum. Its off to the movies! (cos she wanted to catch Knowing)
But pops didn't come along with us, he went home :(

First impression of this movie: I thought it'll have action in it or something. I think it wouldn't be that bad. So yah.
Disclaimer: I'm going to tell you what the movie is about. Roughly.
The starting of the movie was creepy. I had jes asking me whether it was a horror show. It did creep me out too. A little. Then the plot started developing and there were even more scary looking people in the movie, which seemed like stalkers.
And with Nic cage in the movie it'll mean some detective work, or some sort of discovering of secrets that no one would believe etc. You can say its kinda like the national treasure kind of thing going on i guess.
Then somewhere along the way he discovered the world's going to come to an end. With the sun's rays destroying our ozone layer and burning the whole earth. Then i thought, oh no... Another doomsday movie. Kinda sick of those movies y'knw! So many of them now these days.
Now the part whereby it started NOT making sense. Slowly the stalkers became some aliens or extra terrestial beings that came to actually save nic cage's boy and another girl, cos they were the chosen ones to be saved from the coming disaster and so they got on the spaceship thingy that descended from the sky.
The ending, you ask? The earth got burned down. And the spaceship landed on some land, with gold fields and then ultimately the camera pans and we see this big, big tree. Just one. And the only ones in that land? Were 2 of those kids i've mentioned earlier. The end.
If i haven't thought about some underlying message of the movie, i'd prolly thought i'd just wasted money and time, on a beautiful sunday. But hmm, the big tree, and two people, one female and male. Sounds like Genesis to me.
You'll know what i'm talking about if you think very very carefully.
After i thought about that, and made tons of connections and links, then the movie made sense (esp with the 2 metres tall alien people) Because it was a metaphor for something. Something which is the end time, the second coming. So afterall, its not so bad :)
But then..... In the middle of the movie. Someone farted. Goodness man! Maybe he/she farted cos he/she was toooo spooked out HAHHAHHAH. And it wasn't at a good time. It was some exciting part, and you're trying to get excited about it and then... You take a breath, and it was foul smelling. What a spoiler! D:
After the whole thing, i was soooo tempted to just ask loudly, who farted just now? SMELLY MAN!
And during the creepy parts, jes and irene were both holding on to my hands and squeezing them. Not that i didn't get creeped, i did, but i just laughed it out. Hah.
Gosh its 12. Gotta get ready for school, gotta reach by 1, ciao!