On the way to school, saw rq and hayaya at the mrt! HAHHAHA. Seeing rq makes me miss pj. And the mornings where we all meet in the canteen before school.
GRRRR.. Can't really type much now.... Stomach's getting reaaally reaaally hungry! Cos we're gonna have crabs tonight, yum yum! Anddd the smell of them getting cooked is good. I think i'm going to go for three servings of rice tonight! (As usual, when there are crabs)
Thank goodness i won't grow fat :P HAHHHAHHAHA three servings of rice at one dinner can be fattening. So much carbs!!
I've to do a 2 and a half minutes sales pitch by next thursday. Gotta think of something you wished existed and try selling it. And me, i'm thinking of something that gotta do with food. (I'm really hungry now, remember?) And i don't want to do something rational/realistic. It wouldn't be fun anymore if its like that.
The weather's being crankyyy!! For two days i've been buying ice-cream from the mart downstairs. But no b&j's yet!! :((((((
Feeline&jes isn't back home from sf yet. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Without them we can't start dinner! D:
I just texted them. "Where you", i said. HAHHAHHA sounds so rude like that. But since i'm hungry, anything will do.
But seriously, i kinda dislike it when people text me like that. Sounds kinda like demanding...
At least put a smiley or something! "Where are you? :D" seems more friendlier doesn't it?
I don't know why i'm talking about this but ya... Its just irritating. And i'm doing it to feeline. HAHHAHAHAHA.
Oh, another picture! HAHHHAHA see the straightness? ;)

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