Assignments are starting to pile up pretty quick. Gotta get them all done by today, if only i could concentrate really hard and stop procrastinating or get distracted by whatever there is to be distracted by.
To do list:
#1 IS reflections - mon
#2 Ad campaign to research on - tues
#3 Sales pitch to memorize - thurs
#4 Prof com presentation - fri
#5 Soc psy 800-900 words 15% journal - 11 may, mon
Don't mind the list ya, its for my own note :P
Hmmm, yesterday's holiday came in at a pretty good time. I was able to sleep in, and that feels really really great! Then i spent the morning doing er.. I don't remember what.
But cg yesterday was good. And after that we all learnt how to make balloons from sheryl. The twisting noises of the balloons were really scary. Noises like eeeyk eeeyk eeeyk. Which is almost like, at the point of bursting. I mean, with all that twisting, its bound to burst if you're not careful, right? But still, it was pretty fun! Heh heh. Got to know how to make flowers! Its pretty ;)
Irene & i camwhoring with the flower balloons we made.

Actually we also made doggies. But we gave them away to little kids ^^
Irene gave it to our neighbour while me, some random girl at the bus stop cos she was staring at it so much. The feeling of giving it away is nice. When they say giving makes you happier than taking, i know.
Oh, i think i should start working on my stuff. Before i start getting overwhelmed and complain about stress. But seriously, it doesn't make sense if i do that. Because in the first place its procrastinating that makes me end up with too many things to do.
And if i can finish the stuff today, hmm, lets reward me with b&j's? Nono, wolverine tomorrow!
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