Anyway, it was a short one. Still, it was good. Managed to talk quite abit. Good to know she's doing quite well. And we both miss each other's nonsense! Its never the same with someone else!!! :(
Next time, i'll drop by pj or sth. Gotta go to town too!
Oh well, the good thing was, we still kept in touch!
(Now i know her little secret, hehhehehhhehe)
Okay, and then we camwhored! WOO!

& yesterday!! Had a great day too! :)
First, school ended early, like hmmm, at 12nn. AWESOMEEEE!!

And after we stayed behind in class to slack around, michelle, siti, crys and i went down to holland v for lunch! & goshhhhhh we took a whole lot of pictures too!
Hmm, after lunch @ swensens, we were actually planning to head down to cold rock for ice cream. But then, it was interrupted by this guy from a hair salon, he needed people to "train" his skills on, so free haircut. He approached us, and we were like, hmmmmmmm.. Kinda skeptical about it.
In the end, michelle agreed to do it. So off to the salon we went. And we spent like about 3 hours there staring at the people doing their hair. But seriously, at first we thought it was going to be like only 15 minutes or so. Then we were almost falling asleep there.
After the cut, we headed down to cold rock, but then decided not to eat. Haaaa. And we went back after that.
It was fun hanging out with them! I love my friendly bunch of classmates, they're awesome! :)
Now backtracking to thursday.
Yes thursday!! I've to say, it was THE MOST RANDOM DAY EVERRRR!! (no kidding!)
And it all started with someone tagging me (on facebook) with the P6 class picture. So i went to see, i was like ewwwwww was that really me?!??!??!? Okay anyway, by the time i got there, the comments started already. And i went: OMGGGGGGGGGG
Then i went away after for dinner. And i realised by the time i came back the comment thread just got longerrr and longerrr. Then we moved it to msn. I think there were like about 18+ people in that conversation, just adding more and more people.
Here's the ironic thing: We haven't been in contact for like 6 years?!??! (Yes, ZERO contact) Well, with the exception for a few of those that came into the same sec school as me. Even so, we were just hi-and-bye friends. And out of a sudden, we all just started talking and reminiscing. How funny eh?!?
I was in that conversation for about 3 hours i guess. Till i remembered i still have to get up early for school the next day, so i left.
But anyway for that 3 hours i think i didnt talk much. Just hahhah-ing around here and there. And mostly trying to recall who's who, trying to match my memories with their faces. Was trying really hard. In the end, only managed to remembered a few. And some i went like: Whoa i know that person, but i never knew he/she was in my class before.
I think its a good thing really. Its nice to finally get to know them. Cause in pri sch i think i kept to myself a whole lot. So i didn't really have much memories about my pri sch days. Didn't really interact much. Just contented with one or two best friends and that was it.
And i think since thursday, i'm only mainly talking to them (my pri sch friends)
Up till now, the comment thread's still ongoing, about 200+ comments! GOODNESS!
Actually, this fulfilled my secret wish of wanting to keep in contact with my pri sch friends.
And this wish came about because both edi & irene are very much in contact with their own pri sch mates. And me? Zero, zilch! But now, its different already. Haahhahaha ;)
I hope we all meet up soon! But it'll kinda be awkward somehow, don't you think? Still, its better than nothing right?
It still isn't the end of post. HAHHAHAHA. Its cessy-mania for the next segment!
Don't you think my little (fat) dog's the cutest thing? ;)

HAHHAH super-dog wannabe!

Proof of abuse caught on camera! :O

Notice the expression on both cess & me. HAHAHHHAHAH!

Okay, enough of those! So far, i'm doing really good at school (i think!) And i've still an essay to complete. Hmm, actually its a reflection but gahh! Its all the same. Only two paragraphs so far. I'll continue tomorrow! :P
Tomorrow i also want to watch Angels & Demons! Heard it was good from many people. Edi and jes went to watch it alrdy zzzz. So tomorrow! I'll get mumsie to go with me :)
I think i should try doing another paragraph by tonight.
Shall end here. Bye :)
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